In Central Intelligence<\/strong><\/em>, we are shown the early lives of Bob Stone (The Rock<\/strong><\/em>) and Calvin Joyner (Kevin Hart<\/strong><\/em><\/a>). Both of them are at different points near the end of High School. Calvin is a superstar, an incredible athlete and smart with a love of his life. Meanwhile, the Rock is\u2026 well, a poorly CGI-d fat kid who has no friends and is a total loser.<\/p>\n
Kevin Hart<\/strong><\/em> was unbearable in this movie<\/strong><\/em>, annoying, and pretty much would have loved anyone else to play his role. His only role was to shriek in the film<\/strong><\/em> and look like a dumb idiot. Unfortunately, his acting chops are not that great. He tries to do his best; he does, but it is just not enough for even this movie<\/strong><\/em>. He has one volume level, and that talks as loud as he can to sound funny.<\/p>\n
Also, Aaron Paul<\/strong><\/em><\/a> from Breaking Bad is in it, so it\u2019s always nice to see him get any acting job after that series.<\/p>\n
Central Intelligence<\/strong><\/em> is not a flashy movie<\/strong><\/em>; it does not rely on heavy CGI (besides that one part), special effects, or even high-octane action scenes. The trailer<\/strong><\/em>s sort of spoil the good action scenes so I would advise skipping the trailer<\/strong><\/em>s. Otherwise, you\u2019ll have to stay for the banter, and that is hit and miss. Kevin Hart<\/strong><\/em> does not add too much, but The Rock<\/strong><\/em> has great timing and jokes for most of the movie<\/strong><\/em>. The jokes are okay, and the shootout, fight scenes are average.<\/p>\n
It plays it safe throughout the film<\/strong><\/em> which I was disappointed a bit. Plus eighteen CIA agents vs. Rock was getting a bit tired for the third time in the film<\/strong><\/em>. The music and the visuals of the movie<\/strong><\/em> are entirely forgettable, which in this case is not much of a problem, since as mentioned above, the movie<\/strong><\/em> is more about banter than actual epic fight scenes. Though some pleasant and memorable music would have been nice. The final fight scene though is just \u201ethroat ripping\u201d-ly awesome (bit gruesome for some kids though probably).<\/p>\n