DigitalFoundry began checking out the game’s final code.<\/p>\n
The PlayStation 4 Pro<\/strong><\/em> presents a noticable advantage over the basic PlayStation 4<\/strong><\/em>, because it has a higher resolution, better anti-aliasing, more visual effects, and a more stable, sixty frames per second frame rate even during actionpacked scenes. It could be an important factor for some of you!<\/p>\n
Still, the PlayStation 4 Pr<\/strong>o<\/strong><\/em>‘s advantage isn’t completely perfect: it ends up hiccuping here and there, as some scenes seem to run better on the 2013 November-launched PlayStation 4, and the 2016 November-released PlayStation 4 Pro<\/strong><\/em> suffers bigger dips in frame rate<\/strong><\/em> in PlatinumGames<\/strong><\/em>‘ game in a few locations than its \u201eolder brother\u201d.<\/p>\n
NieR: Automata<\/strong><\/em> will launch on March 7 in North America on PlayStation 4<\/strong><\/em>. Europe, as well as Steam, will receive the game on March 10.<\/p>\n