Tag: Agatha Christie – Murder On The Orient Express

Agatha Christie: Murder on…

Modern Poirot
It won't be a 1:1 adaptation of Agatha Christie's work, though. Here is Microids' overview: Set in 2023, this video game will bring the classic tale to life in a way that will surprise even the most dedicated fans.

Agatha Christie – Murder…

It’s still an utterly unconventional idea that Microids has adapted Agatha Christie’s novel so that the detective finds himself…
It won't be a 1:1 adaptation of Agatha Christie's work, though. Here is Microids' overview: Set in 2023, this video game will bring the classic tale to life in a way that will surprise even the most dedicated fans.

Agatha Christie – Murder…

So Microids is working on two Poirot games simultaneously (the other was recently in the news).   It won’t…