Tag: PlayStation

This year’s PlayStation Experience was a mixed bag, with games being announced left and right, but all of those games lacked any impact (Well most of them).

PlayStation Experience 2015 –…

OPINION – Welcome to the second annual PlayStation Experience, step right up folks! It’s a show for everyone that…

Black Friday: Who won…

Black Friday happened on last Friday – on this day, retailers cut their prices. Sometimes, they drop the prices…
PlayStation Plus - Seeing the comments of this announcement, it looks like many users are now fed up with the PS Plus service. We wonder what is happening behind the scenes.

PlayStation Plus receives a…

Sony didn’t forget about their PlayStation Plus service when it comes to the holiday season marketing overload. After all,…

Rainbow Six Siege –…

We don’t have a problem with Rainbow Six Siege‘s pre-release marketing, despite seeing the game’s launch getting pushed back.…
The Revenge of the Siths (naysayers) had a real blast before the Beta ended, as every fear mongered basically had a field day with it

Star Wars: Battlefront –…

REVIEW – Although a lot of people considered Battlefront to be just a simple Battlefield clone, the fans of…
Weird move by Sony, but we can't change their minds. PlayStation fans will definitely eat this up anyway.

PlayStation collectible cards! Wait,…

Sony found another way to pull more profit via the PlayStation branch. They could have done it earlier, but…
So all we can hope for is a quality rearrangement on Uematsu's originals, not bastardizing his work in the end. This would make the remake a decent one on at least the audio aspect, but then again, we haven't heard the voice acting yet...

Final Fantasy VII remake…

Final Fantasy VII was originally released in 1997 on the first PlayStation. It was a huge success, and even…
Players will be able to call for souls of other players to help in battles (hm, where have we seen this before?)

[PGW 2015] Shadow of…

Shadow of the Beast is seriously becoming more and more appealing as time passes since its announcement. Despite this…
And look how gorgeous it is going to be! Although the PlayStation 3's Future trilogy looked quite decent

[PGW 2015] Ratchet &…

We will receive a double dose of Ratchet & Clank next spring: not only an animated movie will hit…
PlayStation 4 - Several signs point to the announcement happening during Paris Game Week, which will begin on October 28, and it also looks like Sony is going to have a bigger presence there. Think about the rumours of Quantic Dream announcing their PS4-exclusive title during this event!

Sony: More positive quarter-year…

Sony‘s Games & Network Services include the Japanese company’s PlayStation line, and this arm of the company has published…