Tag: TimeSplitters

The website of Free Radical Design has been updated with a rather sad update. On the main page we get a 404 Company Not Found :-(. So it's game over for the studio that worked on the revival of TimeSplitters.

TimeSplitters Next: Five Minutes…

We get to see some gameplay from the resurrected (and then killed again) Free Radical Design game, and it’s…
The website of Free Radical Design has been updated with a rather sad update. On the main page we get a 404 Company Not Found :-(. So it's game over for the studio that worked on the revival of TimeSplitters.

TimeSplitters Fans Can Feel…

The restructuring of the Embracer Group has not only seen the demise of Volition (known for Saints Row), but…

Are TimeSplitters And Second…

The publisher that has been on a massive shopping rampage this year might be doing something shortly. We can’t…