Tag: Twitch

PlayStation 4 7.50 firmware - - PlayStation 4 - launches its update 6.72 and Although the official patch notes don't mention more than „This system software update improves the quality of the system performance,” a few users have reported on Reddit.

PlayStation 4: The 5.00…

Although Sony still hasn’t announced anything official regarding the new firmware yet, there are already tidbits known about it.…

Say Goodbye To One…

Sony will bid adieu to one of the websites, so the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita is about…

Twitch.tv app to get…

Streaming games nowadays is even a job for some, and some platforms are giving easy opportunities to stream: PlayStation…

Google’s $1B purchase of…

According to the site Venturebeat.com Google has signed the agreement to buy game-livestreaming firm Twitch for $1 billion, which…

theGeek TV