Ivory Tower”s history starts back in 2007, when three former Eden Games employers (this team worked on V-Rally games, as well as the first Test Drive Unlimited) formed this company, and while they didn’t really show anything in a long time, they released The Crew in 2014. This game focuses on online, team-based racing, and this game will have its first expansion – called Wild Run – released soon. After showing Ubisoft that this team isn’t talentless (after all, the game got over 3 million players), they got picked up, so now, they belong to Ubisoft.
As The Crew Wild Run will launch in the middle of November, we wonder what the team will work after or next to The Crew – let’s hope that Ubi won’t go down the Activision route, where for example, they made Neversoft stop working on Tony Hawk games and got them onto Guitar Hero, and eventually this team folded into Infinity Ward last year. If Ivory Tower can keep their freedom to a certain extent, that should have a good result in the end. We’ll see about that!