The analyst believes the stronger Microsoft console will outsell Sony’s product.
Previously, we wrote how the analyst at Wedbush Securities doesn’t believe Microsoft’s pre-ordering figures of the Xbox One X. Still, Pachter thinks that the X will sell roughly two million by the end of March, which would be about twenty percent of the annual Xbox One sales. (Previously, he also wrote that one million will sell this holiday season.)
He added that the Xbox One X, which we called the Project Scorpio until June, will sell better than the PlayStation 4 Pro, but Microsoft will not outsell the regular PlayStation 4. In the middle of the console generation, Microsoft can gain some ground, but with the older iteration of the consoles, Sony would still be having a massive lead (and we didn’t even consider Nintendo’s success with the Switch yet).
We’ll see how the consoles will perform, but unfortunately, nor Sony, neither Microsoft publishes sales data (in the case of the former, they only say total PlayStation 4 numbers), which means we can only expect PR talk, no more.
Sources: Twitter, Twitter, Twitter
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