The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2: Suffer the Children – Base Phase

REVIEW – This episode might be the last one from Telltale. However, there has been a statement issued less than a day ago that there might be a way out for the series to end, so we have to wait if it is the end or not.



So my story ended with AJ headshotting Marlon who has turned out to be a traitor – he gave two children from the group away to some raiders and also killed Brody unintentionally. With these actions, I made the team hate me (oh, that’s something I’m good at!), basing roughly the first half of the two-hour episode.

You’re fired!

So the team decides to vote about our fate whether we stay or leave. Before that, we attend a funeral that only backfires for us. Violet and Louis come in, tell us that we have to leave, so we pack our stuff and go, but, going by simple logic, why would we have collected all those hidden items in the world for our room decoration if they had to be left behind for good?

A duo attacks us, and one of the faces will be familiar from quite a while ago. Someone who I never expected to surface ever again. Abel also makes a return after the first episode, and he won’t believe our chat with this old/new person. They try to make us join them, but the Violet/Louis duo remain close and stay informed about their threat. We escape, AJ gets hurt, a group of walkers attack us. It won’t be an easy thing – you have to split them up, or you will see that You Are Dead screen a few times. You can’t deal them one by one anymore – they will interrupt you. Nobody near? A quick kill, otherwise, knee hit, then kill.

Another character will surface who will help us in walker skin, then they will reveal the Abel/unnamed character duo’s intention with the children (they want to recruit them to assist them in a fight), and we end up back in the school to try to reduce AJ’s fever after his injury. We explain the new boss the situation; then we end up helping in converting the school into a pseudo-fortress, as the danger floats above everyone’s head like Damocles’ sword. We go to the greenhouse to get some materials, get swarmed by walkers (another group moment from them!), get a few tools to create bombs, and we fast forward by two weeks to the defence system completion.

We get a creepy nightmare that in my opinion could have been a decent ending (but instead, it will be just a decent scene in the episode), then we notice AJ made a knife, and we end up checking in on everyone to see if they are up to snuff with the defence or not. They aren’t. You do some practising with the bow (learn it – you will need it), then go to the tower with Violet. A feminist scene happens with star drawing nonsense (nope, I am not sorry), then the Abel/unnamed character attack finally kicks in. Some of the team will be either kidnapped (you’ll have to choose to save between two key characters), and others will die. We don’t know what the effect will be (or if there would be any). We choose to retaliate, the end.


So the story is twisting around sharply, and I think it was a great idea to bring back an unexpected character. I hope another veteran will show up later – I remember someone just being left behind and not shown as daying. The graphics are on the same level as the first episode, the music seems to have been cut back a bit (but what we got is alright), and the voice acting is also on par (although when AJ says Clem! seems to have been recorded once), and I finally had to think to survive – the walkers will not wait for you to finish off the others around them!

I hope the mysterious person will also make a return in the third episode IF that third episode ends up being developed. Telltale’s situation did not affect my rating whatsoever, so let’s just say that I pray that the remaining Telltale skeleton crew can work on more than Minecraft: Story Mode, which I have not touched with a ten-foot pole whatsoever. I hope they can wrap up Clementine’s story as well.



+ Nightmare
+ James (not telling who he is)
+ Unnamed character


– Abel
– Mitch
– Unnamed character

Publisher: Telltale Games

Developer: Telltale Games

Genre: Episodic, adventure

Release date: September 25, 2018

The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Ep. 2: Suffer the Children

Gameplay - 7.8
Graphics - 7.7
Story - 8.2
Music/Audio - 7.8
Ambiance - 8.5



If it's over here, the retaliation is gone behind the sunset.

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Grabbing controllers since the middle of the nineties. Mostly he has no idea what he does - and he loves Diablo III. (Not.)

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