The teraflops difference between Xbox Series X and PS5 would mainly affect exclusive games

The team after Quantum League does not bet on a big difference in cross-platform games.

Of course, the announcement of the technical specifications of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X has brought countless reports and opinion pieces trying to break down what the “guts” of each console will translate for users. One of the topics that cover this whole issue is that of teraflops, a unit of processing speed that is merely indicative but that many users have taken as the holy grail to measure the differences between the power of one machine and another. For Nimble Giant Entertainment, the team behind the indie Quantum League game, these numbers have a much more circumstantial value.

Xbox Series X has no less than 12 teraflops, and PS5 settles for up to 10.28 variable flops. This is what the chief designer Balthazar Auger says about it: “I think it will matter mainly to exclusive Xbox games, which can be programmed to squeeze the juice out of the machine,” he explains to Gaming Bolt. “It may also give the console a longer generational life. However, all developers who create cross-platform titles are conditioned by lower-spec hardware, so the only advantage I can imagine is that we will see resolutions and rates higher images per second on Xbox Series X. ”

This is nothing new, of course: it is what we have already seen in the now dying generation of Xbox One and PS4. Many of its multiplatform games dance between 900p and 1080p according to each version, and if you attend to the most conscientious analysis you will see that some versions are more stable or have a more noticeable smoothing on one machine or another. It is surely the same kind of difference that we will find in the next generation.

If you are interested to know what Auger has to say about other features of the new generation consoles, you may want to visit his comments about the PS5 SSD , a piece that could change the level design paradigm in the coming years.

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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