Halo Infinite’s Season Two Will Last Six Months [VIDEO]

343 Industries didn’t know what they were getting into: the multiplayer expansion for Halo Infinite is still not going as planned…


The studio has released the development roadmap for the free-to-play, live service multiplayer. The second season, called Lone Wolves, will start on May 3 and end on November 7. That’s more than half a year. But that’s not the main focus, as 343 Industries has also revealed details of the networked co-operative mode for the story mode and the open beta for the Forge mode, which players may be afraid of: after a long first season, season two will be of similar length…

They said that they are aiming for a monthly Drop Pod update (i.e. quality-of-life) in the post. “We know we need to deliver more content and features more quickly. Staying true to priority zero means that sometimes we need to slow down to stay healthy and move faster later. But we’re also aggressively looking at ways to accelerate. For example, we want to get the Forge toolset into your hands sooner rather than later so that excellent community maps and modes can rapidly make their way into the game.

We’re targeting a Forge open beta later in Season 2 [in September] to make this happen. We’ve successfully had Forge in private flighting with a limited audience for some time, so we’ve decided to forgo a large-scale formal flighting program and go right to open beta. With this approach, we can get the core Forge tools out to everyone quicker while also remaining focused on our core priority of continuing to improve foundational aspects of Halo Infinite. Forge will persist from the open beta onwards, evolving and growing over time.

As we continue to improve and ramp up, please understand that we at 343 are fully committed to making Halo Infinite the best Halo experience ever. Indeed, the primary reason we’re extending Season 2 is to give us time before shipping another Season to fully address “quality of life” improvements based on learnings from Season 1 and other data and feedback we’ve collected,” the studio wrote.

Good luck to them… The co-op campaign is now having a late August target for its launch.

Source: WCCFTech


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