Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – The Art of Survival

REVIEW – Respawn Entertainment is back in the Star Wars universe to continue the adventures of Cal Kestis, who escaped the Fallen Order’s hunt for him in the first installment. However, Jedi: Survivor is not just a sequel, but a much bigger and richer game that brings a lot of new additions and improvements to the Fallen Order’s foundation. Survival is now even more important as Cal faces not only a resurgent Empire, but also a mysterious enemy: the Bedlam Raiders, who hunt Jedi on the most dangerous planets in the galaxy. Will Cal be able to protect himself and his friends in this harsh world? And what price will he have to pay to survive?



Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure game in which you play the character of a young Jedi: Cal Kestis. The gameplay is largely similar to the previous instalment, but with a lot more opportunities for combat, exploration and customisation. The combat system offers five different fighting stances, which you can switch between at any time, depending on the opponents you are facing. Each stance has its own advantages, disadvantages and special abilities.

The exploration will take you to eight planets, some of which you may already know from the previous episode or the movies (e.g. Coruscant, Kashyyyk), but some of which are new (e.g. Zeffo, Dathomir). The planets are much bigger and more open than in the previous episode, and they hide a lot of secrets and side quests.

Customization allows you to change the look and clothing of Cal, as well as the parts and colour of your lightsaber. The game’s story takes place five years after Order of the Fallen, and introduces new characters to help or hinder us in our quest.


Az EA megerősítette a Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PC-s verziójának hivatalos fájlméretét, és ez jóval nagyobb, mint azt az első kiszivárgások sugallták.


New dimensions of Jedi power


Perhaps the biggest new feature of Jedi: Survivor is the expansion of the combat system with the addition of five battle stations. Four of these can be achieved at the start (basic, aggressive, defensive and balanced) and the fifth can be acquired later (master). Each stance has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own special abilities.

For example, in the aggressive stance, we can attack faster and inflict more damage, but we are more easily exhausted and more vulnerable. In the defensive stance, on the other hand, we can block and counter better, but we are slower and do less damage. The combat system has become more varied and challenging, as it’s not enough to just press buttons, but you also have to pay attention to your opponents’ movements and tactics.

The use of Force also plays an important role in combat, as you can use a number of abilities such as push, pull, slow or lightning. These abilities can also be upgraded with experience points collected during combat and exploration. You can use the Jedi Force not only in combat but also in exploration, for example to jump over obstacles, activate mechanisms or solve puzzles.

However, the use of the Force is not unlimited, as a bar indicates how much is left. When it runs out, you cannot use your abilities until you have refilled them. We can do this by attacking or blocking opponents, or by meditating at a designated spot. During meditation, you can rest, improve your skills or save the game. However, if we meditate, the opponents will also return to their original position, so we have to fight them again.


A Titanfall és az Apex Legends készítőinek, a Respawn-nak az új Star Wars-kalandjátéka tavasszal érkezik PC-re, PS5-re és Xbox Series X/S-re. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.


Secrets of the galaxy


Jedi: Survivor focuses not only on combat, but also on exploration. The game offers us eight planets, some of which may be familiar from the previous episodes or the movies (e.g. Coruscant, Kashyyyk), but some are new (e.g. Zeffo, Dathomir). The planets are much larger and more open than in the previous game, and they contain a lot of secrets and side missions.

A map is a useful way of finding your way around, but it does not show you all the places and routes in advance. We often need to use the Force or other tools (such as a pickaxe) to reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible. There are also rewards for exploration: experience points to upgrade Cal’s abilities; parts to customise your lightsaber; clothing items to change Cal’s appearance; and fact sheets to learn more about the background of planets and creatures.

During your exploration, you may encounter friendly or hostile NPCs to talk to or fight. Some of them will give us side quests that provide additional rewards and information. Side quests are usually not too difficult or long, but interesting and varied. For example, you can help a scientist searching through wreckage, rescue a captured Jedi or fight a legendary monster. The side quests are optional, but worth doing to learn more about the secrets of the galaxy and enjoy the diversity of the game.


Egy új jelentés szerint a Disney azt szeretné, ha a Lucasfilm folyamatosan Star Wars videójátékokat prezentálna, évente legalább kettőt.


The joy of movement


Jedi: Survivor focuses not only on combat and exploration, but also on movement. Many times in the game, you’ll need to use the Jedi Force or other tools (like grappling hooks) to jump over obstacles, climb walls, run through walls or slide down slopes. The movement system works very well and often provides exciting and spectacular moments. During movement, we can take advantage not only of the environment, but also of our opponents. For example, you can jump off a high ground and pounce on an opponent, or pull a distant opponent towards you with the Jedi Force. The movement system has improved a lot compared to the previous episode, as we now have more options in the air. In addition to the double jump, you can now use the airborne directional change to jump or turn greater distances. In-air direction change is a very useful and fun skill that opens up many new routes and possibilities.

Another new feature in the game is the grapple system, which BD-1 gives us at a certain point. The grapple allows us to hold on to certain points, marked by a small icon. Using the grapple, we can cross chasms or reach higher places. Using the grapple is simple: you just aim at the point you want to grab and press the E button. If you want to let go, you have to press the E button again. The grapple system fits very well with the game’s movement system and gives you many new possibilities for exploration.



The magic of sight


Jedi: Survivor is a beautiful game that faithfully recreates the look and feel of Star Wars. We tested the game on PS5 and the software clearly plays to the console’s strengths. The game offers two graphical modes: performance and quality. In performance mode, the game runs at 60 fps at 1440p resolution, providing a very smooth and continuous experience. In quality mode, the game runs at 30 fps at 4K resolution, resulting in a very sharp and detailed image. Both modes are very nice, but I preferred the performance mode because I felt it better suited the speed and dynamism of the game.

The graphics of the game are not only reflected in the resolution and fps, but also in the textures, effects and shadows. The textures are very detailed and varied, and the effects are spectacular and realistic. The shadows are also very beautiful and lifelike, especially the shadows cast by the lightsaber light. The graphics of the game are not perfect, as I experienced some bugs and performance issues during the game, such as texture unpacking problems or framerate drops. However, these were not common or distracting and the developers have fixed them in an update.

The game’s music and soundtrack are also very good, adding to the Star Wars atmosphere and experience. The game’s music is very well suited to the style and theme of the game, and often evokes the soundtracks of the movies. The music changes dynamically with the events and locations of the game and perfectly expresses the atmosphere of the game. During combat, the music is tense and exciting, while during exploration it is calm and mystical.

The sounds are also very good and realistic, which contribute to the immersiveness of the game. The clatter of lightsabers, the roar of the Jedi Force, the shouts of enemies, the growls of creatures, the noise of machines, all authentically recreate the world of Star Wars.

Mention should also be made of the voice-over, which is excellent in conveying the characters’ characters and feelings. The dubbing voices are well suited to the look and personality of the characters and are often recognisable from the films. The voice actors include names such as Cameron Monaghan (Cal), Debra Wilson (Cere), Tiya Sircar (Merrin) and Scott Lawrence (Vader). The game also has English subtitles to help you follow the story and understand the dialogue.


A Star Wars Jedi: Survivor megerősíti az egyik népszerű rajongói elméletet, amely a játék korai leleplező trailerei óta burjánzik a neten.


The price of survival


The story of Jedi: Survivor takes place five years after The Fallen Order, and introduces new characters to help or hinder us in our quest. The main antagonist of the story is the Bedlam Raiders, a mysterious organisation hunting the Jedi on the most dangerous planets in the galaxy. The leader of the Bedlam Raiders is a Sith Lord who was once a master of Cal, but has turned to the dark side.

The members of the organisation come from different races and backgrounds, but they all share a common goal: to gain the power of the Jedi and destroy the Empire. The Bedlam Raiders are not only strong warriors, but also capable of cunning traps and tricks. Throughout the game, we will face them several times in different locations and challenges.

Another important character in the story is Cere Junda, a Jedi Knight who is Cal’s mentor and friend on his journey and who has returned from the previous episode. Cere is not a flawless character, however, as he has suffered at the hands of the Empire’s cruelty and lost his connection to the Jedi Force. Cere’s goal is to rebuild the Jedi Order, but to do so, she needs Cal’s help and trust. Throughout the game, there are several decisions we can make about Cere that will affect the course of the story and our relationship with him.

Another interesting character in the story is Merrin, a Dathomiri witch who first appears as an enemy, but later becomes an ally. Merrin is left alone on her ancestral planet after the Empire slaughters her people. Merrin initially hates both the Jedi and the Empire, but Cal shows her that not all Jedi are evil and that there is hope in the galaxy. Merrin joins Cal’s team and helps him fight the Bedlam Raiders. Merrin is an interesting character, who learns a lot about the Jedi and the galaxy, and with whom Cal develops a romantic interest.

Another important element of the story is the Empire, which still poses a threat to the Jedi and to freedom. We will clash with the Empire several times throughout the game, and we will also encounter some familiar characters that we don’t want to spy on. The Empire will not give up the pursuit of the Jedi, and will keep sending its elite soldiers and inquisitors after us.



A new hope for the Jedi


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an excellent game, with many improvements and innovations in all areas compared to the previous installment. What’s more, these changes are not only spectacular, but are all in response to player feedback. Richer worlds, more varied fighting styles, more content and a number of smaller innovations take the game to a new level. The game’s story is also engaging and emotional, introducing more depth to Cal’s character and development, as well as introducing new characters and conflicts. The game’s graphics and sound are also stunning, faithfully recreating the atmosphere and visuals of Star Wars. The game isn’t perfect, as I experienced a few bugs and performance issues throughout the game, but they didn’t detract from the experience on PS5. (I didn’t have any luck with the supposedly scandalous PC version.) Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a game I recommend to all Star Wars fans, as it’s the game we’ve always wanted.



+ Great combat system with five fighting stances
+ Large and open planets with many secrets and side quests
+ Exciting and emotional story with new characters


– Some minor bugs and performance issues still exist
– Some jumps are difficult or imprecise
– Some side quests are boring or repetitive

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Developer: Respawn Entertainment

Style: Action-adventure

Release: April 28, 2023.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Gameplay - 9.2
Graphics - 8.5
Story - 8.2
Music/Audio - 8.2
Ambience - 9.5



Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an excellent game, with many improvements and innovations in all areas compared to the previous installment. What's more, these changes are not only spectacular, but are all in response to player feedback. Richer worlds, more varied fighting styles, more content and a number of smaller innovations take the game to a new level. The game's story is also engaging and emotional, introducing more depth to Cal's character and development, as well as introducing new characters and conflicts. The game's graphics and sound are also stunning, faithfully recreating the atmosphere and visuals of Star Wars. The game isn't perfect, as I experienced a few bugs and performance issues throughout the game, but they didn't detract from the experience on PS5. (I didn't have any luck with the supposedly scandalous PC version.) Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a game I recommend to all Star Wars fans, as it's the game we've always wanted.

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines – including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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