Space Isn’t Just for Starfield on Xbox! – Ten Sci-fi RPGs Released on PlayStation Consoles

TOPLIST – Bethesda’s new sci-fi RPG Starfield may not be coming to PlayStation consoles, but that doesn’t mean fans of the genre should give up on interstellar adventures. We’ve rounded up ten of the best sci-fi RPGs that resemble Starfield in some way and are available on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. Whether you’re looking for simulated space combat, a deeper role-playing experience, more of an action RPG, or a humorous sci-fi story, you’re sure to find one that appeals to you.



Starfield is a game that struck a chord with many when it was first released. It’s a sci-fi RPG that lets you build and pilot your own spaceship and adventure through a highly detailed and lifelike galaxy. The game is made by Bethesda, who have already proven their ability to make good RPGs with the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Unfortunately, Starfield is no longer available on PlayStation consoles, as Bethesda has been taken over by Microsoft. So we’ve put together a list of sci-fi RPGs that are similar to Starfield in some way and can be played on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. These games are guaranteed to transport you to another world, with exciting adventures and unforgettable stories. Let’s find out which games they are!


Nagyon sok mindent lehetne még részletesen ecsetelni, akár a szerepjátékos fejlődési rendszerben, akár a különféle frakciókat és titkos csoportokat felölelő történet finomságaiban, de nem akarom a felfedezés örömét elvenni senkitől.


  1. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos Montreal/Square Enix/Feral Interactive, 2016)


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a sci-fi RPG in which you control a secret agent who has gained superhuman abilities thanks to augmentations built into his body. The game is set in a world where augmented humans live under oppression and a global conspiracy threatens peace. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gives you a lot of freedom to approach your missions the way you want to, whether it’s stealth, combat or talking.


MOZI HÍREK - Hideo Kojima, az elismert videójáték-szerző azt állítja, hogy a Death Stranding filmadaptációja nem fog hasonlítani egyetlen más videójátékos filmhez sem.


  1. Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment/505 Games, 2019)


Death Stranding is a sci-fi RPG in which you control a courier with special abilities who tries to connect isolated settlements in a world where the boundary between life and death has blurred. In the game, you can carry various kinds of cargo, while taking care of your balance, stamina and safety. In the game, you can also interact with other players, who can help or hinder you. Death Stranding is a unique and challenging game, in which you can experience a deep and emotional story.


A The Outer Worlds igazi RPG a javából. Tömérdek karakterrel találkozhatunk, a legváltozatosabb helyszíneken járhatunk és sokféle morális kérdésben kell döntést hoznunk.


  1. The Outer Worlds (Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division, 2019)


Obsidian Entertainment proved that they could make a good sci-fi RPG with Fallout: New Vegas, and they’ve followed that up with The Outer Worlds. The game takes place in a dystopian world where corporations control the fate of humanity. You’re a passenger who fell asleep in a spaceship accident, and you’re awakened by a rebel scientist who involves you in his plans. The Outer Worlds is a humorous and colorful game in which you can make a lot of decisions, choose a lot of companions and use a lot of weapons.



  1. Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks, 2015)


Speaking of Bethesda games, we can’t leave out Fallout 4. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where you try to survive after a nuclear war and find your kidnapped child. Fallout 4 has a lot to explore with side missions, factions, romance, and progression. You can also build your own bases and robots.


No Man's Sky - Hello Games - Néhány szubjektív megjegyzést említenék a No Man's Skyból.


  1. No Man’s Sky (Hello Games, 2016)


No Man’s Sky is a sci-fi RPG where you can travel through an infinitely generated universe and visit any planet, plant or animal you want. The game has evolved a lot since its release and now offers much more content and possibilities than before. Whether you play alone or with friends, No Man’s Sky is a fascinating and varied game that’s never boring.


Horizon: Zero Dawn - Egyetlenegy egy árnyék vetül csak erre kiválóan kidolgozott, izgalmas világra: sajnos az emberek elleni összecsapás kicsit egysíkú, pedig azért relatíve sokat kell humanoidokkal is harcolnunk.


  1. Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West (Guerrilla Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017)


Horizon Zero Dawn is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG in which you control a young hunter trying to uncover the secrets of the past while battling robotic beasts. The game features beautiful graphics and a spectacular combat system with a wide variety of weapons and traps. Horizon Zero Dawn tells an exciting and twisting story with many surprises and things to discover.

In the 2022 sequel to Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy, a young hunter, continues her adventures in a post-apocalyptic world and explores a new region with new dangers and secrets to discover. Horizon Forbidden West features beautiful graphics and an exciting combat system with a variety of weapons and traps.


Cyberpunk 2077 next-gen -Túl korai még a részletekről beszélni. Sok dolgot csinálunk, amiről nem beszélünk, és nem mondom, hogy egy újabb Cyberpunk-terméket fejlesztünk-e vagy sem.


  1. Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red, 2020)


Cyberpunk 2077 is a sci-fi RPG in which you live in Night City, a futuristic and corrupt city, and search for an implant that holds the key to eternal life. In the game, you can customize your character, choose different skills and weapons, and influence the story through your choices. Cyberpunk 2077 opens up an immersive and detailed world full of possibilities and challenges. The game will soon receive a major expansion pack, Phantom Liberty, which will continue V’s adventures with a new story.


Újabb Disney-játék a Square Enixtől (ne felejtsük: a Marvel is az övék!), de ezúttal nem az élő szolgáltatásos, live service modellt fogják alkalmazni.


  1. Guardians of the Galaxy (Eidos Montreal, 2021)


Guardians of the Galaxy is an action-adventure and role-playing game that puts you in control of one of the most popular superhero teams in the Marvel Universe. In the game, we take on the role of Star Lord, who leads a quirky and hilarious group of characters as we try to save the galaxy from a mysterious threat. Throughout the game, we make many choices that affect the story and our relationship with the other Guardians. Guardians of the Galaxy is a humorous and spectacular game full of opportunities and challenges.


Square Enix. Mire ezeket a sorokat olvassátok, jó eséllyel már elérhető a Steam-en a Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrated; a Part 2-őt pedig végre mozgás közben is láthattuk.


  1. Final Fantasy VII Remake (Square Enix, 2020)


Final Fantasy VII Remake is a sci-fi RPG and a partial remake of a classic game, 1997’s Final Fantasy VII. In the game, you control Cloud Strife, a former Shinra soldier who joins an eco-terrorist group called AVALANCHE to stop the Shinra Corporation from sucking the life force out of the planet. The game not only reunites you with old familiar faces, but also introduces many new elements such as a modernized combat system, an expanded storyline, and stunning graphics. The Final Fantasy VII Remake is a bold and successful remake that stays true to the spirit of the original game while delivering new experiences.


A Mass Effect-trilógia eredeti befejezése nagyobb hype-ot generált, mint az első kapcsolatfelvételi háború. A hír SPOILEREKET tartalmaz.


  1. Mass Effect Legendary Edition (BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2021)


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a remastered version of the Mass Effect trilogy in which you play as a space commander trying to stop an ancient threat, the Reapers. In the game, you’ll travel to many planets, recruit many companions, form many relationships, and make many decisions that will affect the fate of the galaxy. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is the pinnacle of sci-fi role-playing games, offering three epic and unforgettable adventures.


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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines – including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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