GTA 6 leak: Stunning Details from the Next Episode!

The leak of Grand Theft Auto VI 2022 required a deeper investigation, revealing a wealth of important details that we may not have noticed before. A Reddit user shared them with us.


After the recent leak, a lot of information about Rockstar Games’ upcoming title has come to light. In addition to confirming that players will be returning to Vice City, a number of small details have come to light that we may not have noticed before.

One Reddit user, Denso95, has put together two detailed lists of leaked details. These include a number of exciting new additions, including massage parlors, bingo halls, shopping malls, hotels, and ambrosia farms. A much larger map promises a host of new activities.

The game also hints at a new stealth system. The Grand Theft Auto series is famous for its shooting action, but leaked information suggests that there will also be new tools such as keys and lock pickers, as well as the ability to intercept conversations. In addition, Jason, one of the main characters, will have a special ability to “tag” valuable objects in his environment.

These abilities will make robberies more realistic: the police will not arrive on the scene immediately. Especially if you’re near Wi-Fi hotspots in the city, the police may be even further delayed.

In total, more than 80 different details were revealed, including special features such as the possibility for players to store beef in their pants, or the possibility for lions and tigers to appear.

Source from GamingBible

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