Michael Jackson Biopic Could be Studio’s Most Successful Production

CINEMA NEWS – Jim Packer, the director of the worldwide television distribution business of the film studio Lionsgate, stated at a film meeting that he believes that their biopic called Michael will be the studio’s most successful production ever.


The film about Michael Jackson, which will be released next spring, is already generating huge interest, which will only increase as the premiere approaches. To this, industry experts add that Packer’s prediction is not unfounded, since Jackson‘s albums sold 566 million copies worldwide this year alone, meaning that his popularity is unbroken.

Michael is directed by Antonie Fuqua, who is not a minor filmmaker, he directed Denzel Washington in Training, for which the actor Oscar-winner, he made the Defender trilogy, also with Washington, and other great successes such as Deep Strike, The Seven Snipers and the Emancipation.

The King of Pop is played by his nephew Jaafar Jackson in the film.

(Michael – domestic presentation: April 17, 2025.)

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