Metal Gear Solid: The New Remake’s Producer is Ready for a Sequel [VIDEO]

Metal Gear Solid may continue without Hideo Kojima, and this time with perhaps better results than Metal Gear Survive (poor sales, even poorer reviews).


Konami is trying to bring Metal Gear Solid back into the public consciousness. Their first The Master Collection was released, a second is in the works, and a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is in development. David Hayter (voice of Snake, except for Metal Gear Solid V) is back on the job, and now a documentary series about the past is also worth mentioning (a new episode of which is embedded below). The video also covers The Master Collection and Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater producer Noriaki Okamura takes on a brave new challenge: continuing the franchise!

“When [Metal Gear Solid: The Master Collection] was released, we received a lot of unhappy feedback, with people struggling with bugs and playability issues, as well as problems with the resolution. We’re very sorry that the game wasn’t up to par. We’re still updating and improving the game to address these issues. We want everyone to be able to enjoy Metal Gear and this compilation 10, 20 years from now, so we hope everyone will give us a little more time to get it right.

As for Metal Gear Solid Delta, you can look at how games in general have gone from 2D to 3D, how their graphics have evolved, and Metal Gear has evolved in the same way. It started with 2D pixel graphics, then it went to 3D, then it started to look like something out of a movie. So when I look at it, I think of the history of Metal Gear as the history of all video games, and the Master Collection as a kind of experience that traces that history. When I look at it that way, I think it makes sense to present these titles as they were, and not go out of our way to change a lot of things. Pixel graphics can stay pixels, early 3D can stay a little crunchy, is how I see it.

Of course, new generations of players are always coming, so we had to do more than just re-release the same games. With that in mind, we kept the gameplay, the story, and the voice cast of the original, but we had to update the graphics, the controls, and the feel of the game, all of which had changed over the years. So all of that has been updated, but the core game and the creative vision of the original team, none of those parts of the game have changed. Even with the update, it was very important for us to stay true to those aspects of the game. We want players to be able to judge for themselves whether this new team is up to the task of continuing Metal Gear, so please keep watching and keep us honest,” Okamura said.

It’s not an easy task, but they’ll be testing the waters first with Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater…

Source: PCGamer

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