Are the Devs of Xenoblade Chronicles Working on a New RPG Commissioned by Nintendo?

The studio’s founder, creative director, and chief executive, Tetsuya Takahashi, has announced eight open positions at the Japanese studio.


Monolith Soft is best known for the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise, and now the studio has announced that it is looking for people to work on a new RPG. 2D designers, 3D designers, or environmental engineers are all needed, and Takahashi is understandably tight-lipped about what this new project is. The best he can say is that it’s a new RPG, that the content to be created is getting more and more sophisticated, and that we need more talented people to do it. It will definitely be the new Xenoblade Chronicles that will be made, and the team is developing it for the Nintendo Switch successor. That platform will be unveiled by the big N by the end of the fiscal year, so by the end of March 2025 at the latest, and we think Switch 2 (or whatever it’s called, because we don’t even know that yet) will be in stores by then.

According to Takahashi, candidates should have a high level of knowledge in several areas. He believes that the elements of modern games (especially open-world RPGs) need to be connected, so there needs to be interoperability between combat, characters, missions, and stories. Each of these elements has become increasingly difficult to create, and he believes that a more efficient development environment is needed.

Monolith Soft is not a company that makes a lot of mistakes with its games. The Xenoblade series has become one of the most successful RPGs, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has shown very good results. It’s no wonder that Nintendo could give the studio a new contract, because when a game and its development team are successful, the publisher will demand a sequel in short order.

It’s been over two years since Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was released, as it debuted on the Nintendo Switch (and only the Nintendo Switch) on July 29, 2022. One of the game’s writers was Tetsuya Takahashi…

Source: NintendoLife, Monolith Soft

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