Gen Z’s Social Media Habits: More Than Just Memes

TECH NEWS – Let’s face it: Gen Z has been unfairly labeled as a bunch of screen-addicted social media junkies. But the Future-Proof Academy is here to flip that narrative on its head. Launched by Samsung, this new platform isn’t just about scrolling for laughs—it’s about feeding the brains of the next generation. According to a comprehensive study by Samsung, a surprising chunk of Gen Z is more into educational content than you’d think, often choosing to learn something new over just having a giggle.


The research underpinning the Future-Proof Academy dives deep into what makes today’s young people tick. It looks at what drives them to hit that “follow” button on social media. And guess what? The reasons differ across the board. For younger Gen Zers, like high school kids, it’s all about the LOLs. But older Gen Z members are taking a different approach—they’re looking for useful content that actually helps them. In fact, 44% of them prefer content that they can learn from, whether it’s study tips, workout routines, or style guides. And they’re not too worried if their friends are in on it or if they’re missing out on the latest fad.

What turns them off, though? Phony content, pushy ads, and creators whose views don’t align with theirs. It’s clear that this generation values authenticity and wants content that makes a real impact. No wonder the Future-Proof Academy’s mix of online and in-person programs is so popular. It’s proof that today’s youth are keen to gain new skills and fresh perspectives.


Keeping It Real with Future-Proof Sound


At the academy’s second big event, “Future-Proof Sound,” things got even more interesting. Hosted by Miskovits Marci, with influencers like Trunk Tomi, Gyarmati Fanni, and Valkusz Milán, the K-OSZ Podcast tackled some heavy topics—think monogamy, money as a success measure, and whether social media is wrecking our relationships. But beyond the hot takes, the event focused on the importance of speaking up and being heard.

Then there was “DiSPUTA,” a debate show that’s all about sharpening your argument skills. In each episode, participants go head-to-head in verbal smackdowns, with a focus on clear arguments and objective reasoning. At “Future-Proof Sound,” the debates got the crowd buzzing. Young people voted on who made the best case, showing that, for them, self-expression can sometimes mean breaking away from the norm.

The event also featured workshops aimed at building everyday skills. From mastering the art of debate to acing job interviews, there was something for everyone. Plus, attendees got to try out Samsung’s latest smart gadgets in hands-on sessions, proving that learning and tech can go hand in hand.


Building a Future That Matters, Online and Off


The success of “Future-Proof Sound” and the overall Future-Proof Academy initiative isn’t just hype. With positive feedback rolling in from participants, it’s clear that Gen Z is open to learning new things and getting ready for a future that’s not just online but also offline. They’re up for more conversations, more real-life experiences, and yes, building a world that’s a bit better for all of us.

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