Dragon Age: The Veilguard: Fidesz Candidate of Viktor Orban Cries Over Small Breasts in Game

Balázs Dezse, who once harbored political ambitions in Biatorbágy, is now upset because a video game doesn’t allow the creation of large-breasted female characters. Because, as we all know, the real pressing social issues start with the size of digital breasts in a fantasy game, right?


It seems Balázs Dezse, the renowned writer of PestiSrácok, wasn’t joking when he spoke about his boundless sense of justice during his campaign for the local elections. However, this sense of justice isn’t triggered by government corruption or social inequality, but rather by the fact that in a dragon-and-elf world, breast sizes can’t be made large enough. What a world we live in!

The infamous article, titled “Dragon Age: The Veilguard Provokes With Transgender Characters With Removed Breasts,” basically laments that in a game where anything is possible—including fighting dragons—you can’t create characters with large enough chests. What a tragedy! This is the point where every decent person would be outraged, right? Clearly, this is nothing less than the destruction of national identity… and chest size, thanks to Electronic Arts’

“rainbow-colored WOKE propaganda.”

Dezse vented his frustration in the article: “Only those who know me knew that I wait for the sequels to my favorite games like a child waiting for Christmas. But everyone can imagine how a child feels sitting under the tree, unwrapping gifts only to find empty boxes.” Of course, because what better comparison is there for a fantasy game’s breast size than a childhood trauma? Heartbreaking.

And as Dezse further explains: “This might seem like a joke, but it’s deadly serious.” Yes, Mr. Dezse, all our lives are now poorer because you can’t put digital implants on your elf character.

The article’s climax is when Dezse explains that “the whole game is built around hatred of gender differences,” evident from the fact that even the largest selectable breast size in the character creation is “relatively small.” Because if someone can’t display gigantic breasts in a fantasy world, then there’s clearly a deep societal problem, right?

The peak of absurdity: “It doesn’t matter to the story in any way, but remember, the whole ‘game’ is about destroying our children’s souls as early as possible.” Of course, because a game rated 18+, filled with violence and dragons, is truly there to ruin the spiritual well-being of Hungarian children. After all, the root of all problems is breast size, isn’t it?

Source: 444  PestiSrácok

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