Employees in fear: The new ChatGPT may surpass humans in multiple sectors

TECH NEWS – The latest version of ChatGPT is so powerful that experts warn more than 50% of employees in several sectors are at risk. The o1 and o1-mini could disrupt entire industries in the coming months.


In early June, OpenAI amazed the world with the presentation of GPT-4o, a new language model capable of emulating humans in multiple areas. With this, AI took a giant leap, proving that it could sing, tell jokes, and, in short, perform many tasks that humans traditionally handle. A few months later, the American company revealed all the details of o1, its new AI model that achieved a remarkable result: it can pass coding engineers’ recruitment exams with a success rate of 90% to 100%.

As noted in a recent post by the JeuxVideo portal, this advancement threatens the jobs of human programmers, as o1 demonstrated a higher level of proficiency in coding tasks. As AI advances, so does the investment in it, increasing the possibilities of this technology. This is why achievements in programming are especially significant. In fact, according to OpenAI benchmarks, both o1 and o1-mini (its smaller version) can outperform human engineers in various coding tasks.


A widespread fear among humans


Following this success, many developers have expressed concerns about their future employment, as AI has enough potential to replace certain programming roles. AI-driven automation has already transformed the job market, prompting some experts to predict that up to 54% of employees in the banking sector could be automated. However, AI does not only replace tasks; it also creates new opportunities for professionals who can integrate these tools into their workflows.

Nonetheless, rapid technological advancement raises questions about social and economic consequences, as well as the potential rise in inequality and social tensions. Furthermore, AI is tied to ethical and security concerns, as these systems could be used in biased or malicious ways. Therefore, it is crucial for companies, governments, and individuals to collaborate in managing the impact of AI. Otherwise, we may head towards a future where this technology spirals out of control, with catastrophic consequences.

Source: JeuxVideo

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