The Politically Removed Mod is Back in DOOM + DOOM II! [VIDEO]

Of course, the mod had to be censored because even its name was changed quite a bit, but the question is whether this is enough to keep the mod available in the mod browser…


We’ve previously reported on a mod called Thatcher’s Techbase, in which the UK was transformed into a demonic realm, with Margaret Thatcher, who served as Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990, at the center of id Software’s mod. The mod is back, but it’s now called ███████ Techbase, so Thatcher’s name has been removed. It’s now back on PlayStation, Xbox and PC, as the Mod Browser has made the mods on it cross-platform.

The mod just celebrated its third birthday and a lot of things have changed with the censorship. The mod is a giant middle finger to Bethesda for parodying its anti-political stance. Weirdly pixelated enemies, boards rewritten in Comic Sans, smiley face stickers that look stupid, and even a poster has been replaced. The poster, which originally glorified the miners, now shows the players in a positive light.

The soundtrack has also changed a bit, as there is no longer a politically motivated rhyme. The new song is embedded below. In any case, it has to be said that the mod is very ingenious, since it would be a shame to throw away all the work done just because Bethesda doesn’t like parody (Thatcher’s Techbase is just that), and DOOM has had a lot of mods over the last decades (even one that works on Italian memes; maybe only Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas got the same attention…).

But it’s really satire when DOOM, which has been officially banned in Germany for 17 years, tries to censor and remove everything political. In such cases, the story really writes itself and nothing needs to be added.

Source: PCGamer

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