MOVIE NEWS – The Peaky Blinders saga is poised to continue, despite the impending conclusion of Cillian Murphy’s role as Tommy Shelby in the upcoming film. A new spin-off series has been unexpectedly announced, ensuring the franchise’s continuation. Series creator Steven Knight first brought the character of Tommy Shelby to audiences in 2013. The narrative, set in the wake of World War I, depicted Tommy’s return to Birmingham to lead the eponymous gang, accompanied by his brother Arthur Shelby (Paul Anderson) and Aunt Polly Gray (Helen McCrory). The critically acclaimed series reached its finale in 2022 with its sixth season, and Knight is slated to conclude Shelby’s arc in the forthcoming Netflix movie. However, Knight has divulged plans for the Peaky Blinders universe to thrive beyond Tommy Shelby.
Speaking with the French publication Paris Match, Steven Knight provided insights into the potential expansion of the Peaky Blinders narrative beyond the highly anticipated film. In addition to his duties as writer and director for the movie, Knight has also penned a stage adaptation of the series, scheduled to debut in March. Remarkably, Knight’s creative endeavors extend further, as he revealed an unforeseen spin-off. “Our focus will shift to the next generation through a series set after the events of World War II,” Knight stated.
The upcoming Peaky Blinders film will be set against the backdrop of World War II. While specific plot details remain closely guarded, it is anticipated that numerous members of the Peaky Blinders gang will be drafted for military service. The psychological impact of WWI was a central theme in the original series, with both Tommy and Arthur having served in the European theater. Will Tommy Shelby once again be called to duty to fight against the Axis powers? And how will his battle-induced trauma affect him?
Production Wraps on the Peaky Blinders Film
Alongside the announcement of a new Peaky Blinders spin-off series, Steven Knight also confirmed that filming for the upcoming movie has officially concluded. Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, and Stephen Graham are all set to reprise their roles from the original series. Joining the cast for the film is Barry Keoghan. While details surrounding the Irish actor’s character remain undisclosed, an official still released by Netflix has provided fans with a first look at Keoghan in costume. Adding to the already impressive cast is acclaimed actor Tim Roth, best known for his work in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. Dune actress Rebecca Ferguson will also appear in the film. The specific roles of these new additions have yet to be revealed.
With principal photography completed, further details regarding the film’s plot are expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks. A comprehensive cast list is also anticipated to be announced soon. While the Peaky Blinders movie does not yet have an official release date, Knight indicated in the interview that he aims to have the film completed “by the end of 2025.” All six seasons of Peaky Blinders are currently available to stream on Netflix.
Source: MovieWeb
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