Ever wondered about the background story of Prey?
Prey takes place in an alternate future where President John Fitzgerald Kennedy survives his assassination. He goes on to stop the space race between the USA and the Soviet Union, as he takes control of the joint US and Russian program. He turns a Russian satellite into an R&D facility, the Talos I, which is owned by the TranStar Corporation. However, TranStar started performing „morally dubious experiments” on those residing on the space station.
Morgan Yu, who could be female, too, wakes up on Talos I, which got overrun by a non-terrestrial entity called Typhon – they were contained by scientists who had been studying and using it to „improve the scope of human abilities.” Morgan Yu, with his/her „strange alien-based powers,” strives to not only survive the entity but also uncover it’s mysteries while trying to save humanity.
More in the video – the game launches in 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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