The successful PlayStation 4-exclusive is going to expand. Yes, successful: Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn has sold 2.6 million copies in its first two weeks, which is an impressive result for the developers. Herman Hulst, the team’s managing director, has revealed that the first story DLC is in development with a simple sentence: „this is only the beginning of Aloy’s story”.
Guerrilla has also held a Reddit AMA, where they explained the meaning of the game’s name. „For us, “Horizon” represents a boundless new world, and also the passage of time (where the Sun rises and sets) that is so fundamental to the setting and story.”
They also admitted that switching from the linear shooter of Killzone to an open world quest system having game was difficult. The Old Ones (which we will not spoil anything about at all, sorry) were inspired by robots and automated warfare, making Aloy’s story cautionary.
Guerrilla also said that the team needed 21 hours to get the Platinum trophy. Not bad…
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