Killer7: Suda51 Would Release it on Modern Consoles, but it’s Not up to Him!

It’s also up to Capcom, because although they agreed to a PC version, the game, which was originally released for GameCube and then PlayStation 2, hasn’t appeared on other platforms.


Goichi Suda, founder and CEO of Grasshopper Manufacture, is also known as Suda51. One of his games was Killer7 (which he also directed), a stylish action game starring Harman Smith. The wheelchair-bound assassin has seven different personalities he can extract from himself (hence the name of the game). Published by Capcom, Suda51 made the game with Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil!) and Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

Suda said in an interview with VGC that the PC port, released in 2018, was the only one that Capcom gave permission for. Suda would like to release the game on modern consoles, but that would require approval from the Japanese publisher, but he’s hopeful that a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series version could happen at some point. Or even a port to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch… maybe even the Nintendo Switch 2 could get it.

Suda also talked about another game in the interview. Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, which will be released later this year: “It’s a simple remaster; nothing major has been added to the original game. One of the reasons we decided to release it was to help keep both the game and the entire Grasshopper Manufacture catalog alive, to make sure people can still play it. Of course we’ve added a few extra things to it, but mainly we wanted to keep the game playable for current generation players, and we want to continue to do that with more of our back catalog.

Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The game was originally released in 2011 for PS3 and X360.

Source: VGC

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