Tag: Christopher Nolan

According to information from DidYouKnowGaming ?, one of the biggest surprises of the decade in terms of licensing, Middle-earth: Shadows of Mordor , was originally born with another cinematographic success owned by Warner Bros .: the highly acclaimed Batman of Christopher Nolan, specifically his third installment, Rise of The Dark Knight.

Shadows of Mordor was…

Monolith Productions had to redirect the project after, supposedly, the refusal of the prestigious director. Curious news comes to…
Kenichiro Yoshida, Sony Corporation's President and CEO, explained why they have teamed up with Microsoft, their major rival.

Christopher Nolan’s new film…

MOVIE NEWS – Tenet is the name of the new, highly anticipated spy thriller by Christopher Nolan whose filming began…
The battle of Dunkirk was far from a victory, but a successful evacuation and fortunately Nolan doesn’t try to give us another predictable tale of triumph.

Dunkirk – Faces of…

Faces of Fear