Tag: Civilization

REVIEW - It's been eight years since the last Civilization was released, and although there have been promising attempts to renew the 4X genre since then, few have really left a lasting impression on the table. Is Millennia, the latest game from C Prompt Games, published by the legendary Paradox Interactive, just one in a long line of epigones, or can it offer something new in the popular genre?

Millennia – Civilization On…

Civilization On Steroids
Sid Meier, the father of Civilization, revealed his thoughts on loot boxes and other in-game spending.

Civilization 7 In The…

Steve Martin and Jake Solomon are leaving Firaxis behind after over two decades.   2K, part of Take-Two, has…
Developer Amplitude has announced that the console release of the Civilization-like strategy game Humankind has been postponed

Humankind: Console Version Could…

Developer Amplitude has announced that the console release of the Civilization-like strategy game Humankind has been postponed “indefinitely”.  …
REVIEW - Sid Meier's Civilization series is an inescapable part of the history of the so-called

Humankind – Historical Lullaby…

Historical Lullaby For Tense Civilization Fans
Mafia III: Definitive Edition - As the first two Mafia games were among my all time favorites, you can imagine the level of my disappointment about the third episode, which is only slightly better than average. Mafia 3

Mafia III Breaks A…

Mafia III reached a result that we never thought it would achieve. Between 2K franchises, Mafia III took the…