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Resident Evil 5 is the third (re-)released Resident Evil game this year, and we didn't even count 7's teaser!

Resident Evil 5 Finally…

No, this isn’t some time capsule news from 2014: Capcom has indeed decided to rip out the service, which…
We're probably going to hear more details about Dishonored 2 at Bethesda's show that will be held before the E3.

[GC 2016] Dishonored 2:…

Despite being the Empress, she’s not going down without a fight. She’s not your ordinary ruler. Emily Kaldwin will…
The game is launching on October 11. Until then, a gameplay video from the campaign.

Gears Of War 4’s…

Gears of War‘s fourth numbered installment isn’t going to get a sloppy PC port according to the developers (The…
Overwatch will launch on May 24 on PlayStation 4 / PC / Xbox One.

Overwatch: The 22nd Hero…

Blizzard‘s popular team-based shooter, Overwatch, reveals its twenty-second playable character. She’s both a support and a sniper – her…
We also know when the title hits the stores: Abzu will be out on August 2 on PlayStation 4, and PC, but only in digital format.

Does Abzu Have The…

Giant Squid‘s game was revealed over two years ago because Abzu was first shown at E3 2014. The studio…
If you bought Reincarnation on PC, you get a free copy of Max Damage on PC when it launches.

Nomen Est Omen: The…

Carmageddon is easy to describe in a sentence: vehicular manslaughter in a form of racing. Console owners can grab…
There's another twist to the story, though! The gameplay below is from a later build. After some members had left Activision, they re-pitched the concept to Ubisoft simply as Roman Wars...

Call of Duty Could…

Activision tried to do something different with Call of Duty a few years ago – one of the potential…
Resident Evil 5 is the third (re-)released Resident Evil game this year, and we didn't even count 7's teaser!

Resident Evil 5: A…

While the videos are all in Japanese, they can still help you choose whether you want to pick the…

[E3 2016] Psychonauts In…

Psychonauts will not skip the upcoming PlayStation VR. While Psychonauts 2 is set to release in 2018, Double Fine…
Vampyr won't be a weak game - it's going to launch in 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

[E3 2016] Vampyr’s Gameplay…

Ten minutes of – pardon the pun – bloody brilliant gameplay of Dontnod‘s new game. Finally, we got see…

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