Tag: hacker attack

Bandai Namco has confirmed claims that its servers were hacked and confidential information was accessed. The publisher says it is investigating the potential leak of customer information.

Bandai Namco, the Publisher…

Bandai Namco has confirmed claims that its servers were hacked and confidential information was accessed. The publisher says it…
TECH NEWS - According to a Bloomberg report, the LAPSUS$ group that recently

Microsoft is the new…

TECH INFOS – Microsoft confirmed they became the newest cyber attack victims; however, they claim that customer data was…
bitcoin_ransomware Capcom

BITCOIN: Nearly $100 million…

TECH NEWS – Hackers have attacked leading Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid, stealing an estimated nearly $100 million in bitcoin.…
TECH NEWS - The company that is known for its GPUs pulled a move that might not benefit everyone.

The biggest cryptocurrency heist…

TECH NEWS – Hackers have stolen around $600 million (£433 million) in what appears to be one of the…
Fallout 4 will be patched soon (this is pretty much a tradition nowadays...), so hopefully, you can get used to this framedroppage in case you own the game already.

Fallout On CNN: The…

One of CNN’s reports in the last days of 2016 had some irrelevant footage. On December 30, the news…

Sony will have to…

Back in 2011, Sony’s systems sustained a hacker attack and the user accounts of 77 million people were compromised.…