Tag: Jens Matthies

With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein II: The New…

The United States is slowly turning German – BJ Blazkowicz and his team stand up against the Nazis. MachineGames,…
With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein II: The New…

Wolfenstein II will not care about recent political events despite it being somewhat political. Jens Matthies, the game’s creative…
With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein II: The New…

Movies? Music? No: gaming is on the top! MachineGames’ creative director, Jens Matthies, who talked about his game in…