Tag: Outlast

OPINION - Different genres and settings with a common goal: to be scared.

Horror 13 – Thirteen…

Thirteen horror video games of this generation that you cannot miss

Outlast: Whistleblower – Fear…

REVIEW – Outlast cannot be considered a weak title. Despite being indie, it absolutely stood out nicely in the…
Outlast 3 - Probably that’s the reason why Outlast is really nerve-racking: we cannot fight back, defend ourselves and destroy the ghosts like even in the most fearful of survivor horrors we could do so.

Outlast – Hide and…

REVIEW – You think you’ve seen everything? Nightmare on Elm Street is only a sweet dream for you? Saw…

Brutal horror For Free:…

I know what you will play tonight! Sometimes you might think our titles are exaggerating, but this time, we…
The game will release in 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Outlast II’s Gameplay Is…

Outlast‘s sequel is slowly, but steadily in development at Red Barrels Games. Thanks to Gamespot, we finally get to…
The game will release in 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Outlast 2: It will…

Don’t stab around the bushes, let’s get to the meat of the topic: Outlast kept us afraid for a…