Tag: PlayStation 4

Pete Hines, Bethesda's head of marketing gave an interview to Tek Syndicate, where he said the following sentence: „We have a ton of stuff going on, and we even have a game coming out this year that we haven't even told anybody about yet. They can wait. It won't be so long.”

Is Bethesda Planning A…

Bethesda is planning something, and shortly, we might be able to find out their plans. On Twitter, Wario64 has…

Our Companions Will Not…

Obsidian keeps revealing more and more of The Outer Worlds to GameInformer – now they talked about the companions.…
Dreams VR Support

Dreams’ Early Access Will…

After the closed beta, Media Molecule‘s next game is going to switch to an early access model. „Early Access…
Going by a tweet, this crossover between the two franchises could happen.

Will Bayonetta Be A…

Going by a tweet, this crossover between the two franchises could happen. We have seen several guest characters in…

Sony Boss Predicts Dramatic…

Shawn Layden, the American head of Sony Interactive Entertainment, told GameInformer that there will be „dramatic” changes for the…

A Game That Got…

Only the first word is the same between the two titles, and still, one of the games has pushed…

Spider-Man: Insomniac Games Was…

In the early parts of the game’s development, Insomniac Games was afraid of a potential lack of humour… At…
BioWare - Anthem - Initially, it seemed like our character might be just gliding, and it didn't seem fun either.

Anthem’s Buggy Cutscenes Are…

After Mass Effect: Andromeda, another BioWare-game has some buggy scenes… PCGamer published a video of Anthem that is already…
Apex Legends -

Apex Legends: Respawn Wants…

Apex Legends is successful, and thus, it already has cheaters as well… Drew McCoy from Respawn told Eurogamer that…
With this game, will Electronic Arts skip Star Wars: Battlefront this year? Its first game came out in 2015, followed by the sequel in 2017. We'll see; the chance for it is high. We'll get back to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order this weekend - the game is set to come out around November on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen…

Only Electronic Arts and Disney try to pull such a move off. Disney confirmed that Star Wars: Jedi Fallen…

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