Tag: PlayStation 4

Early List Of Star…

Battlefront can’t escape from massive leaks either. All hail datamining, as one of them, namely uninspired_zebra, has shared what…
Quantic Dream - When will Detroit launch? We don't know yet.

David Cage: Decisions Without…

Quantic Dream‘s game will not be that easy. David Cage, the founder of the dev team, as well as…
PlayStation Now - There are several interesting games on the list, especially Capcom stepped behind PS Now: Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, Mega Man 9, 10, Lost Planet 2, 3, Dead Rising 2, earlier Street Fighter games, but there's also Sniper Ghost Warrior, Red Faction Battlegrounds and many more.

There’s A New Way…

A new, official opportunity has arisen for the PlayStation 4-PC duo. Sony announced on the PlayStation Blog that PlayStation…
There seems to be some minimalistic way of controlling land, and an in-game economy will be a part of the overall gameplay for Shadow of War, but as of yet not much has been revealed.

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War’s…

After Shadow of Mordor, Monolith wants to make up for the mistakes in another aspect. At E3, Gamereactor interviewed…
Destiny 2 - To these people, I would have to say no, the graphics are not the same compared to Destiny 1.

Destiny 2: Introducing The…

Destiny 2 will have a new social space, which is called The Farm. Thanks to IGN First (who will…
To finish it off, a trivia: the same team (as Eidetic) has created one of the worst games of all time two decades ago: Bubsy 3D!

Days Gone: These Two…

From zombie bears to stealth, what do you make of it? SIE Bend’s PlayStation 4-exclusive is barely getting shown,…
Crash Bandicoot - It is a journey through time, in which nostalgia covers many of the shortcomings of adventures.

Having Trouble With The…

A modification behind the scenes could explain why you slip off the edges of the platform. Dig Dong explained…

Call Of Duty: WWII:…

The new game mode will not allow the lone wolf type of player to succeed (unless they are a…
Far Cry games have historically not been superlative lately (maybe the second or the third installment was the high point).

Far Cry 5: One…

Ubisoft‘s game seems to slowly slide down on our interest scale… The German GameStar published a video about the…
The lead system architect of the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation Vita, and the PlayStation 5 might be working on bringing back a bigger PlayStation franchise from the past.

Jak And Daxter Arrive…

Due to ESRB, we can expect the release shortly. Sony announced a few months ago that Jak & Daxter:…

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