Third-Person Shooter Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Third-Person Shooter

Despite employee scepticism, Ubisoft is reportedly giving away Ghost Recon NFTs to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Is Ubisoft Developing A…

“Pathfinder is reminiscent of Hyper Scape, but it’s PvEvP, which is still in its very early stages.”   Ubisoft…
The game is a rather big surprise as the IP is pretty much dead with the sequel being shelved, and many thought the game is a simple cash grab with barely any fun attached to it. Especially so close to being to Days Gone release. In a weird twist of fate though, World War Z: The Game is actually….fun?

World War Z: The…

Previously On Running Dead
Regarding graphics and sound, the game is just meh.

Drawn to Death –…

A Diary of an Edgy Teenager
The game is launching on October 11. Until then, a gameplay video from the campaign.

Gears of War 4…

A Coalition of New Ages

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