Tag: Wolfenstein: The New Order

The New Order copy (bought before May 26, 2014 no less!) in your possession, so you better have bought the return of BJ Blazkowicz as soon as possible. Do you have that code?

The second DOOM alpha…

DOOM is slowly, but steadily is progressing towards completion under the wings of id Software. After canning Doom 4…

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood…

PREVIEW – Once upon a time, there was a Swedish developer team, whose name was MachineGames. This little group…

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood…

This slowly seems to become a trend: first, a game is only available digitally, and after some time, the…

Wolfenstein: The New Order…

REVIEW – John Carmack, the designer of the original Wolfenstein once said that a video game needs as much…