In case you wanted to download DriveClub in your free time and it happened to be ridiculously slow, it can mean two things: 1 – you are from Europe and 2 – if you are, then the problem is not your internet connection. DriveClub is a perfect example of being really slow to be downloaded: despite it being a 15 gigabyte download, some player saw a 45-hour time requirement to get it onto their PS4. With some calculations, that means it’s rougly 100 kilobytes per second, which translates to a 1 megabit download speed. That isn’t really common anymore nowadays, that’s for sure…
Sony had a very short response to it: they already notified their network team to figure out the reason of the terribly slow servers in Europe. This wasn’t reported from North America. So far, no updates on this issue and no idea about when it’s going to be fixed. Is it simply because of the European servers getting overloaded? This isn’t the first time it happened either…
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