Ubisoft found an interesting way to make a launch trailer for Rainbow Six Siege, which is going to be available from tomorrow, December 1, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. They went ahead and made the narrator quote from none other than William Shakespeare‘s work, namely Henry V, while the video rolls on. The road to the launch was rough.
Think about all the happenings of the past few months: first, the game’s launch date was pushed back to finetune and balance the game, and then the devs revealed the post-launch year extra content plans and in the end, the open beta happened in a somewhat patchy way. Patchy, as there were several connection issues – to be honest, it was expected, as this was an open, free beta on all three platforms. A lot of players = issues!
Oh well, at least this team-based tactical shooter wasn’t delayed for the second time, but we don’t think the game has much chance in the long term against Counter-Strike. Good luck, Ubisoft…
it’s realy dramatic