id Software seems to have moved on from the issues of their id Tech 5 engine (remember RAGE?), so they might be able to bring themselves back into the game with the current generation id Tech 6 engine. DOOM will be the first game to use it, and the engine might see a brilliant start in a few months.
The developers managed to create 1080p and 60fps on all three platforms (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) according to the game’s publisher, Bethesda. „We want players to wonder how Doom and idTech 6 games can be so visually stunning at 60 frames-per-second at 1080p on all platforms when other titles cannot even achieve a similar look at 30 frames-per-second,” says Lead Project Programmer Billy Khan of id Software. Bold statement, not to mention this comment: „Our goal is to be the best-looking game at 1080p at 60fps.” You’ve got to have balls to say stuff like this.
From what we have seen and heard of DOOM made the upcoming game all so impressive – we’ll see the final product on May 13, its release day.