Due to the financial crisis (or… Crysis?), Crytek decided to shut down five studios.
Frankfurt and Kiev survives, but Shanghai, Seoul, Sofia, Istanbul, and our own boys in Budapest (having developed Crysis: Warhead) have to leave the Yerli brothers’ company. After the closures, Crytek will try to refocus on game development and their CryEngine while still supporting those who licensed this engine from them.
Currently, moving almost exclusively to develop VR games seem to be a financial risk: despite the quality of Robinson: The Journey and The Climb, overpricing them, as well as VR not being a mainstream thing like gaming consoles, can knock a company down on their knees. Mind you, Crytek became known with two PC games called Far Cry and Crysis a decade ago…
Did they want to expand too fast? Right now, the answer seems to be a Yes.
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