Star Wars: Battlefront II’s Lootboxes: „People’s Fears Are Understandable” According To EA… But How Long Will The Story Mode Be? [VIDEO]

Free content for Battlefront II! In return, you get loot boxes…

Although the maps and character DLC will be free in the game, the DICE/Criterion/Motive game will use a loot box-style system for upgrades in return. Electronic Arts told GameSpot that the players’ fears are understandable, but the accusations are also hard to dodge.

Chris Matthews, EA Motive’s art director, says that there have been games that exploit players, and there have also been games that have done it in better ways. „DICE [developer of Battlefront II‘s multiplayer] has taken great care to make sure that Star Cards and the way they work give you more options in battle. Terms like pay-to-win and stuff like that are hard to dodge, but the guys are doing an incredible job of trying to balance that system. [The response] is not annoying because we love the fans. We’re gamers, and we’re trying to make something that’s super-compelling that everybody’s going to enjoy, but, you know, it’s understandable,” Matthews said

Mitch Dyer, one of the writers of the campaign, added: „The beta existed for things like this, to look at things like, how are people responding to the balance and the maps and how everything flows? What are people enjoying or not enjoying? What’s working? What’s not working? We’ll take all of that from the beta and start pumping it back into the game to improve it because Battlefront II is a game that exists because of feedback from fans. Couch co-op, a single-player campaign… these elements exist because people wanted them, which I think, to DICE’s credit, shows that they are listening and they do listen to feedback.”

Can the game exist without loot boxes? Matthews’ response was „We’re not really in a great position to talk about that. The guys at DICE would give you a great answer.” What about a Nintendo Switch port? David Robillard, Motive’s producer, said: „if we see opportunities, this is something we’ll explore if we see opportunities there, but it is not something that’s on the books right now.” (They’d likely need a custom engine – FIFA 18’s Switch port also didn’t use Frostbite.)

To wrap up, here’s a trailer of the campaign, where you’ll play as Iden Versio, you’ll „ignite the inferno and burn the Rebellion to the ground.” That sounds great, although the length, acoording to Robillard, isn’t: 5-7 hours… The game’s out on November 17 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: GameSpot, GameSpot, Press-Start

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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