We can see a TV-series based game adaptation getting revived.
In 2013, SyFy launched a sci-fi TV series called Defiance: the Earth is terraformed, and humans live along aliens. At the same time, Trion Worlds makes a game adaptation in the MMO genre on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC – while the major characters and the key plot points from the series are mentioned, the players are usually not having their hands tied. 2014: it changes to free-to-play on all three platforms. 2016: the series end.
2018: Matt „Destromathe” Pettit announces that the old game is getting revamped into Defiance 2050, and it will also be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as well as PC. It will have a new class system as well – the sci-fi shooter looks quite similar to something that Bungie made. It’s called Destiny. (Although Pettit did not namedrop the game, it’s obvious what the devs’ goal is.)
While Destiny (2) pushes the players towards the endgame, Defiance has randomized events, where players can jump in and out at any time and on any level. If Defiance can revive the same way as Final Fantasy XIV did (and its initial launch in 2010 was terrible, no joke!), we’ll be happy. A bit of „Wild West” sci-fi is still good to have aside from Destiny 2 or Warframe. Can they keep their „free-to-play AAA quality” promise?
Source: GamesRadar
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