Gears 6 Will Have An Unexpected Inspiration!

Wait! Gears 6? Gears [of War] 5 barely even came out!

The Coalition’s game can be called fresh (it came out less than two months ago…), but the team is seemingly looking forward already, perhaps because the franchise is one of the main Microsoft exclusive IPs, and thus, it’s not a question IF Gears 6 will happen but WHEN it would be available.

Aryan Hanbeck, the art director of Gears 5, was a guest of Hamidreza Nikoofar’s podcast (he’s a game music composer) called Wassup Conversation. Here, Hanbeck revealed that the employees of The Coalition have to watch a Hulu TV series called The Handmaid’s Tale. „The composition, the colour, and just the cinematography and symbolism is just off the charts. So, I watched that and I’m like, ‘Wow, we gotta find a way to get more of this stuff in Gears 6,” Hanbeck said.

So a series could be the inspiration behind the style of Gears 6, and since we’re nearing the end of 2019, Microsoft (and, we can safely say that Sony as well…) are looking forward to the next console generation, so don’t be surprised if the next instalment of the Gears of War series would be announced for the Xbox Project Scarlett, but we have to add that Gears 5 had multiple endings, and the studio will have to decide which one will be canon for the start of Gears 6’s plot.

Gears 6 hasn’t been announced yet, but Aryan Hanbeck’s comment has effectively confirmed that it will happen. Microsoft will likely not announce it at E3 2020 (because unlike Sony, they WILL participate next year as well…), and we’re probably three years away from the game’s launch at the moment. So, The Handmaid’s Tale could play a pivotal role, eh?

Source: Gamerant

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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