Facebook mistakes a Fallout 76 fan group for a real militia and deletes their page

The “Free States Militia” almost lost 2 years of stories in the game, until Facebook corrected their mistake.

Facebook is a platform with a somewhat irregular approach when it comes to moderating its content. Sometimes they allow the existence of publications that violate their regulations, and in others, when they finally decide to act, they are completely wrong. Last week, Facebook removed the page for the Free States Militia, a fictitious Fallout 76 player militia, presumably for taking them as an actual armed group from the United States.

The events occurred on Thursday of last week, according to the group’s official Twitter account: “Facebook has just banned our page and all the administrators of our gaming group […] Facebook is unable to distinguish between video games and real life. We just lost two years of stories and images. ” To this, the administrator of the Fallout 76 militia, Jessica Dickey, comments to Kotaku that “we are a fan page of video games based on a faction of the game with the same name.”

“It does not make sense, especially when there are real militia groups still standing on Facebook,” adds the player. As for the group itself, Facebook reinstated the Free States Militia page the following day, following the support of other Fallout 76 players and fan groups. And the company has issued the following statement to Kotaku: ” We apologize for removing the Fallout 76 groups by mistake […] We are committed to taking action against violent groups. We have both an AI that detects these groups and about 15,000 human moderators, but sometimes some groups are deleted by mistake. ”

Of course, Facebook does not explain which element of this Fallout 76 fan page is the one that has made it be automatically detected by its system, or why, as the group administrator commented, there are real militias that do go through their filters. In any case, we remind you that Fallout 76 is now owned by Microsoft, and that its company continues to expand the offer of the game with new content and updates. If you haven’t tried it yet, this is the Fallout 76 review.

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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