Ghost Of Tsushima Is Getting A Cinematic Adaptation

MOVIE NEWS – Let’s hope that it won’t take Sony as much time as Uncharted, which has taken more than a decade by this point.

First, Deadline reported that Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions are going to make a film adaptation of the PlayStation 4-exclusive Ghost of Tsushima, with John Wick’s Chad Stahelski as the director. Stahelski, Alex Young, and Jason Spitz are producing via their company 87Eleven Entertainment. From PlayStation Productions, Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan will produce on behalf of PlayStation Productions. Sucker Punch Productions will be the executive producers, and Peter Kang will oversee the movie’s work on their behalf.

„We’re excited to be partnering with Chad and 87Eleven Entertainment, to bring their vision of Jin’s story to the big screen. We love working with creative partners like Chad, who have a passion for our games, ensuring we can create rich adaptations that will excite our fans and new audiences,” said PlayStation Productions head Asad Qizilbash. Nothing else was mentioned, aside from the fact that Ghost of Tsushima has sold more than 6.5 million copies.

Then, Nate Fox, one of the directors of Ghost of Tsushima, wrote the following post on the PlayStation Blog: „[…] The idea of translating our game into a new medium is exciting, and we’re intrigued by the possibilities. We’ve all been brought to tears in a movie theatre surrounded by strangers. (Thanks a lot, E.T.) We’ve all gone to a movie on opening night when the crowd is so excited that they cheer as the lights go down. It’s a group experience that isn’t replicated anywhere else. To think that we could sit in the theatre someday watching Jin Sakai up on the big screen is amazing. We’d all relive his tense transformation into the Ghost from a whole new vantage point.

We are happy to partner with Sony Pictures to make this happen. And Jin is in very good hands with the film’s director. Chad Stahelski created something special with John Wick. His vision for what could be, backed up by years of experience, combined to create some of the finest action scenes ever created. If anyone could bring to life the razor-sharp tension of Jin’s katana combat, it’s Chad Stahelski. Also, I’m happy to say we’ve sold more than 6.5 million copies of Ghost of Tsushima now, and that roughly half of those people have made it through the game. Can you believe that? That’s around 3.25 million times the digital Mongols have been kicked out of digital Tsushima.

As a newly appointed ambassador for the real Island of Tsushima, I’d like to formally say- visit when it’s safe to if you get a chance. The island is beautiful, the people are warm, and history is all around you. If you’re very, very lucky you’ll spot a Tsushima Cat. Then later, when the Ghost of Tsushima movie comes out, you can tell your friends about how you’ve been to the beach where the Mongols landed. I know I speak for everyone at Sucker Punch by sending out a massive thank you to Ghost fans. Your support for the game is what makes opportunities like a movie come true. It’s been a sincere pleasure checking out your photo-mode images posted online and fighting alongside you in Legends. We’re so happy to be on this ride with you,” Fox wrote.

Since it’s too early to see any other details, don’t expect the cast, the time of shooting the scenes, or the release date to be announced any time soon… but maybe it won’t take a decade.

Source: Gematsu

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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