Steve Jobs wrote about the launch of the “iPhone Nano” in a letter back in 2010

TECH NEWS – A new email from Steve Jobs has recently surfaced to highlight the Apple boss’ efforts to introduce an “iPhone Nano“. The company had internal plans to introduce a smaller version of the iPhone 4.


The late chief sent the email to his fellow executives months after the iPhone 4 was released. The email also contained other business plans for 2011. According to these, Steve Jobs wanted to introduce the iPhone Nano, but the plans never materialised.

Steve Jobs’ plans for 2011 included picking the best selling points and deepening the war with Google at the time. One segment of the email mentions this:  “iPhone – Joz & Bob“, i.e. Greg Joswiak and former Apple executive Bob Mansfield. Steve Jobs wanted the executives to lay out the roadmap for the iPhone. The email mentions what the “plus” version of the iPhone 4 would look like, featuring improved antennas and other extras, and was a primary target for 2010.

The email, spotted by The Verge, also highlighted an exciting part at the end. Jobs listed the “iPhone nano plan with cost targets” and more. Although the device never saw the light of day, between 2009 and 2011, several rumours were circulating that the company could potentially release an iPhone Nano. The email also highlighted an affordable iPhone based on the iPod touch design to replace the iPhone 3GS potentially. However, it is not sure whether the iPhone nano was the low-cost iPhone that Steve Jobs mentioned in the email.


stevejobs_email 2010


You can view the entire contents of the letter here.

In the end, the tiny device didn’t appear, and Apple launched the iPhone 6 Plus in 2014 – the first device to feature a larger display. Apple has offered iPhone models in various sizes ever since. Apple’s plans to launch an iPhone Nano have therefore not materialised, and the company has launched the iPhone 12 with a ‘mini’ model.


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