Alan Wake Remastered Confirmed – Leaked on Multiple Taiwanese Retailers!

Alan Wake Remastered has been confirmed, but this time not just simply from one Epic Store log file but also multiple sources, including notable analysts and stores.


All signs point to Alan Wake Remastered being confirmed soon, and some stores in Taiwan have confirmed a possible release date; the cover art seems to be just a placeholder currently.

Daniel Ahmad, a Senior Analyst at Niko Partners, tweeted under one of the posts that this will be officially announced next week. Not much is shown on these links, and there are a couple of lingering questions.

Alan Wake Remastered rumour possibly confirmed

Unfortunately, these leaks have not confirmed what the remaster entails, whether it is just a simple HD resolution job or deeper work has gone into this version.

Hopefully, Alan Wake’s DLC – American Nightmare will also be included in this Remastered version, as otherwise, we will miss a large chunk of the lore presented in that DLC.

Nevertheless, with the success of Control, the DLC hinting at Wake’s return from the Nightmare, this could be a larger effort to revitalize the Alan Wake IP for its sequel.

Remedy and Epic has a two deal partnership, so this Remaster might be one of the two games, and the other might be a fully-fledged Alan Wake 2 supported by Epic.

By the looks of it, we may get a full-blown announcement next week when the Sony Conference will be streamed, and we might get the official announcement.

Until the official review you can read our review here of Control which take place in the Alan Wake universe

Source: Twitter

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Bence is a Senior Staff Writer for our site. He is an avid gamer, that enjoys all genres, from Indie to AAA games. He mostly plays on the PS4 or on the laptop (since some indies get a preview build there faster). Loves obscure Japanese games that no one else dares to review on this site.

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