Halo Infinite: Hidden Video In End Credits – Fans Already Guessing What It Might Mean [VIDEO]

Players have already found hidden details in both Halo Infinite’s single-player campaign and multiplayer mode.



Although its development has been a bit of a challenge, Halo Infinite has made many players’ dreams come true. That’s why there’s a community searching for all the secrets of the sequel, proven by the amusing reference to the game’s biggest meme, Craig. The new discovery is far from just a humorous anecdote, however, as they’ve stumbled upon a hidden film in the game’s ending credits.

Needless to say, we’re not commenting on the video to avoid spoilers for gamers who want to embark on the adventure completely untainted by opinions. However, we can tell you this much…

…the video is just over 30 seconds long and doesn’t touch on the main aspects of the story.

However, you can watch the footage below, which is taken from Gamecheat13’s YouTube channel – where you can also find other interesting game-related content.

It’s unknown why 343 Industries decided to remove this content from the game, but that doesn’t stop gamers from spouting all sorts of online theories. It is, after all, an exciting piece of content that adds a little to the gaming experience and contains hints that fans of the franchise might spot.

This isn’t the first Halo Infinite secret to be revealed, as the multiplayer mode provided several interesting facts earlier this month. Whatever the case, Halo Infinite has managed to carve a big hole in the news and in the hearts of gamers thanks to its combination of nostalgia and excellent action.

Source: YouTube

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