Spider-Man: No Way Home – Two Stars, Two Confessions

MOVIE NEWS – Andrew Garfield and Willem Dafoe told us a few little secrets about Spider-Man: No Way Home



The buzz around Spider-Man: No Way Home refuses to abate. The film, which has already broken numerous box office records, continues to do so and has found its place on the list of Marvel’s highest-grossing films. The union of Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire has created a whirlwind among audiences, and excitement remains high. But did you know that Tom Holland was jealous of Andrew Garfield for some reason?

Andrew Garfield is now releasing some insider tidbits from the sets of Spider-Man: No Way Home. The actor who reprised his version of Peter Parker after Amazing Spider-Man 2 says that Tom Holland was jealous of his Spidey suit.

Technically, the Spidey suit is a complicated part of being Spider-Man. Tom Holland of the three has the most complex ones. Because he’s the most recent and updated iteration of the web-slinging Superhero. Also, thanks to Tony Stark. So, Andrew Garfield, in his latest commentary, talked about the reason for Tom Holland’s jealousy, and it’s about the fact that Garfield could easily use his phone.

Speaking to Variety, Garfield said, “Tom was jealous because I have little zippers in my suit that I can get my hands out of very easily. To work his phone, he had to use his nose because he couldn’t access his hands.”

Part of the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home lies in the appearance of the classic villains from previous Spider-Man films. Alfred Molina, Jamie Foxx and Willem Dafoe are some of those who appear. However, recruitment for the film was not so simple, because some of them imposed a series of conditions to be able to appear in Jon Watts and Tom Holland’s latest movie.

Jamie Foxx, for his part, didn’t want to be blue after the failure of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which is understandable considering that it flopped at the box office and changed the actor’s image in this kind of productions. However, the case of Willem Dafoe is a little different because the actor wanted to appear for many minutes in the film and not just as a simple cameo. He also wanted to participate in the action sequences and in the engine that drives the film. He wanted to be one of the pillars.

The Lighthouse actor told Mulderville in an interview: “One of the first things I said to Jon Watts and Amy Pascal, basically when they approached me before there was even a script, was, Listen, I don’t want to just be there as a cameo or to fill in for close-ups. I want to be in the action because that’s what’s fun for me. Also, it’s really impossible to add integrity or fun to the character if you don’t participate in these things. Because all that action stuff gives you information about your relationships with the characters and the story. It earns you the right to play the character in a fun way.”

And he’s actually partly right because wasting time with just a cameo makes even the character lose a certain amount of steam, especially if he’s been one of Spider-Man’s main villains in the past. The tricky thing was that each of them could have a certain role, but overall the result was positive.  If you are interested, read our review of the movie here.

Source: vandal

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