New York City Has Also Filed A Lawsuit Against Activision Blizzard!

According to the city on the East Coast of the United States, Activision Blizzard’s CEO, Bobby Kotick, is not in a position to conduct the sale to Microsoft.


It’s no joke that Activision Blizzard has been hit with a storm of lawsuits and other legal action in recent months following a lawsuit filed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). According to them, gender discrimination and sexual harassment at the publisher are widespread. However, the legal furore continues around the company, and who knows when it will end…?

The City of New York is now suing Activision Blizzard on behalf of its employee pension fund, Axios reports. The pension fund in question appears to have a significant investment in the publisher, and in its lawsuit document claims that Activision Blizzard management has severely damaged the company’s value. The lawsuit also holds Kotick, who is now about worthy of the walk of shame, liable. The document says he was unfit to negotiate how to outbid the publisher Microsoft. The agreement was reached solely so that Kotick and the board could “escape liability despite their blatant breach of fiduciary duty”…

The pension fund says, “Given Kotick’s responsibility and liability for Activision’s broken workplace, it should have been clear to the Board that he was unfit to negotiate a sale of the Company, but it wasn’t.” According to the lawsuit, Microsoft underpriced the company with a bid of nearly $70 billion. For this reason, the City of New York is demanding several documents: they want to see materials related to the sale of Microsoft, reports of abuses within the company, and how much Kotick knew about them.

The sad part is that it is almost sure that this lawsuit will not oust Kotick from his position as CEO of Activision Blizzard. If Microsoft can push the acquisition through, then maybe the Redmond-based company will be the one to get the boot…

Source: WCCFTech

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