The Director Of His New Film Also Says Ezra Miller Needs “Serious Intervention”, But He Won’t Cut His Scenes

MOVIE NEWS – The director of his new film also says Ezra Miller needs “serious intervention”, but he will not cut his scenes. The star will be seen in a surreal role.


Ezra Miller’s scandals often bring up the DCEU’s upcoming Flash: The Flash as a film that is threatened by the actor’s unacceptable behaviour. But it’s not his only upcoming feature: he plays the young Salvador Dali in the new directorial debut of American Psycho co-writer Mary Harron. Dalíland is about to debut on the big screen, and a still of Miller has arrived, and the director has said that she would not cut the actor from the film, but she does not want to sweep the star’s behaviour under the carpet.

“The film is done. Maybe it would be different if he had exploded in scandals during filming, and he’s still behaving badly,” Harron told Variety. “But when all this happened, we were not only through shooting but the final cut was done. I felt that everyone worked to the best of their ability, nothing bad happened on the set, and the film is a movie,” the director explained why she didn’t reshoot Miller’s scenes with someone else.

“I am not permissive about what he did. I don’t think it matters how talented someone is. If he did wrong, he should face [the consequences]. I also think it’s obviously not about a young star acting. It’s much more serious than that. It seems that serious intervention is needed as soon as possible, and I hope it has already happened,” continued the director, who said Miller was completely professional on set, gave a good performance and didn’t seem to notice anything wrong with him. “So it was very disturbing and horrible to read what happened later,” Harron added.

Miller’s behaviour was first reported this spring (although a video of him strangling a woman had been circulating for a few years). Since then, some bizarre and really disturbing stories have emerged. Warner/DC has postponed the Flash movie until 2023, and the actor portraying the main superhero is required to undergo treatment. Apparently, Miller is willing to do so, and has stated his “mental health issues”.

Dalíland will be screened at the Toronto International Film Festival next week, starring Ben Kingsley as the elder Dalí (he’s actually the lead). As noted above, Miller will play a young version of the eccentric surrealist painter. Here’s the first picture of him from the film:

Source: Variety

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